donderdag 11 april 2013

200,000 Year Old Annunaki Cities Discovered in Africa

Publisher and producer Michael Tellinger discussed his study of ancient ruins at the southern tip of Africa, which he believes were associated with a vanished civilization that ET visitors, the Annunaki, brought together over 200,000 years ago, when they came here to mine gold. The ruins, which he's investigated along with Johan Heine, consist of thousands of stone structures over a large area. The structures show evidence of their extreme antiquity through erosion and patina growth, he detailed. One of the most important ruins he referred to as "Adam's Calendar," a monolithic stone calendar that could mark time out by the day.

The Annunaki tinkered with human genetics to make their mine workers, Tellinger said, referencing the work of Zecharia Sitchin. Among the ruins are hexagonal shapes clustered together like honeycombs, which he speculated could have been used as cloning tanks. Further, he suggested that many of the structures, made out of stones that contain quartz, were used as energy devices to power the large settlements.

By studying the area using aerial maps, Tellinger determined there were three great cities, some 60 x 60 miles each, one of which included Great Zimbabwe. Among the ruins, the first pyramids can be found, and details carved into some of the rocks include the Ankh symbol-- thousands of years before the Egyptian civilization used it, he reported.


Michael Tellinger is a scientist in the true sense of the word, never shying away from controversial issues and scrutinizing every clue meticulously. After a 30-year long obsession with the origins of humankind and the genetic anomalies of our species, he wrote Slave Species of God. When Johan Heine exposed the mystery of the stone ruins of South Africa to Michael in 2007, they began an irreversible process of research that led Michael to some startling scientific conclusions and the completion of two more books, Adam's Calendar and Temples of the African Gods.

The Anunnaki (also transcribed as: Anunna, Anunnaku, Ananaki and other variations) are a group of deities in ancient Mesopotamian cultures (i.e., Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian and Babylonian). The name is variously written "da-nuna", "da-nuna-ke4-ne", or "da-nun-na", meaning something to the effect of "those of royal blood" or 'princely offspring'. Their relation to the group of gods known as the Igigi is unclear — at times the names are used synonymously but in the Atra-Hasis flood myth the Igigi are the sixth generation of the Gods who have to work for the Anunnaki, rebelling after 40 days and replaced by the creation of humans.

According to later Assyrian and Babylonian myth, the Anunnaki were the children of Anu and Ki, brother and sister gods, themselves the children of Anshar and Kishar (Skypivot and Earthpivot, the Celestial poles), who in turn were the children of Lahamu and Lahmu ("the muddy ones"), names given to the gatekeepers of the Abzu temple at Eridu, the site at which the creation was thought to have occurred. Finally, Lahamu and Lahmu were the children of Tiamat (Goddess of the Ocean) and Abzu (God of Fresh Water).

Source: Youtube


The video is called Alien Planet and shows how NASA would explore such a planet if found with their future space technology.

It also gives some educated opinions regarding the likelihood of alien life, and how we could study such life forms by some of the greatest scientists and astronomers in the world.

Source: Youtube

Ancient Aliens - Alien Contacts (HD)

"Unearthly visitations... Heavenly messengers... Close encounters... Accounts of humans interacting with celestial beings have existed since the beginning of mankind. Many of these encounters resulted in moral, philosophical and artistic inspirations. But did these contacts involve ethereal beings from heaven or extraterrestrials from other worlds?

Are holy books the word of God, or guidebooks passed down by more advanced civilizations? Who told Joan of Arc how to defeat the English Army--saints or extraterrestrials? Could a young boy from India have learned advanced mathematical formulas from a Hindu goddess? What message did an American serviceman receive while touching an alien aircraft? If the Ancient astronaut theory is correct, then are beings from other worlds communicating with us for our benefit... or theirs? Just what is the purpose of these alien contacts?"


Alien Creature Swims Past International Space Station?

Incredible footage of a translucent type entity caught briefly on NASA's live stream of the International Space Station. The footage cuts off due to NASA pulling the plug on the transmission and replacing it with the infamous static bar screen. If this is genuine footage then it proves yet again that NASA have failed to inform the people of the world that life exists outside planet Earth, albeit in this case, a possible proteus life form or invertebrate.

Source: Youtube

Why Have NASA Never Returned to the Moon - Alien Moon

Source: Youtube

Amazing Alien Metallic & 4 UFOs Caught By Curiosity Mars NASA

Source: Youtube

FBI vault reveals UFO memo

CNN's Brian Todd reports on the most popular document in the FBI's digital reading room: a memo about a UFO sighting.

Source: Youtube


A look at the black knight UFO / satellite, all images have been checked and are genuine non edited NASA originals.
The UFO was broadcasting signals and was being monitored not only by the USA and Soviet Union, but also by other countries such as Sweden and a host of Ham Radio enthusiasts.
One such Ham Radio operator decoded a series of signals received from the UFO Satellite and declared it to be a star-chart centered on the Epsilon Bootes Star System - But as it would have appeared from the Earth 13,000 years ago!
The UFO Satellite was actually photographed on September 3rd 1960, seven months after it first appeared on radar, by a tracking camera at the Grumman's Aircraft Factory on Long Island. It could sometimes be seen from the ground as a red glowing object moving in an east-west orbit at a time when most satellites moved West-east.
A committee was convened to examine the UFO Satellite phenomenon, but this just quietly slipped away from the public view.
Three years later American Astronaut Gordon Cooper was launched into space on a twenty-two orbit mission. During his final orbit, Cooper reported a UFO - he could see a glowing green object ahead of him in space which appeared to be closing in on his capsule. Cooper was reporting to the Muchea tracking station in Australia, who were able to detect the UFO on radar and confirmed that it was travelling in an East-West orbit.

The American News giant NBC got hold of the story, but were forbidden to ask Cooper about the UFO on his landing. As pressure built up from questioners as to what actually happened up there, an "Official" explanation was issued - Astronaut Gordon Cooper, they said had hallucinated due to high levels of carbon dioxide in the space capsule...

Source: Youtube